Sunday, December 31, 2006

30 years of grace & beauty

1977 - the first hour

2006 - now is the hour

One more day to the dawn of a new year. It was in 1977, when Miss Loletta Chu was crowned Miss Hong Kong and Miss Photogenic. Thus, year 2007 marks her 30th anniversary of grace, charm, love and beauty. She leaves a permanent impression in all who meet her as being kind, friendly, warm, authentic and of course, beautiful. Always shunning the limelight, she is humble and sensitive to the needs and feelings of those around her. I believe it is not due to her being a public figure and therefore she had an image to keep, but it is because she is certainly kind, friendly, warm, authentic and beautiful. My question is how long and realistically can one pretend? Not very, when moments of contact will easily reveal one's true personality. As for Loletta, she is as genuine as life can get.

For three decades, Loletta has through her sincerity and role as Miss Hong Kong been part of numerous youth, health, charity and school programs. An avid, talented and serious photographer, she takes pictures that promote arts and nature with great enthusiasm. She simply inspires!

Happy New Year to all! May you be blessed with love, good health, joy and abundance. Cheers to personal growth!

To Loletta : What words and action cannot's in the heart.


A writer of tv shows from China made reference to Loletta in one of his articles:

名人中接触最多, 也是我最感恩的人, 是香港名媛朱玲玲小姐。她美丽, 善良, 气质高贵, 举止优雅, 有一种特有的魅力。而且, 她从不高高在上, 而是在任何情况下都心平气和, 言语温柔。因此, 所有的同事都非常尊重, 也特别希望见到她。只要她在旁, 空气都似乎不一样。那一年她常常中港两地走, 为公司的事谋划, 付出很多心力。近年在报纸杂志见到朱玲玲小姐, 美丽依然, 青春特别眷顾她。

Translated into English by a good friend of Sweet Potato (Thanks so much!):

The only celebrity that I've met for many times and appreciate the most is Loletta Chu from Hong Kong. She is the most beautiful of the beauties; she is kind and compassionate; she is elegant and gentle. In one simple word, she is very special. What is more important is that she is like this to everyone around her. She doesn't act to be above anyone and you can always feel the peacefulness of her mind and the gentleness in her actions and words under whatever situations. So, all my colleagues respect her very much and they all wish to see her as much as possible. (NB: So does Sweet Potato!) Whenever she is around, you will feel that even the AIR smells sweet. (Yes, my God! It is so true.) That year she always flew between China and Hong Kong, because she was in charged of a company in China and was working very hard. When I saw her recent photos in the newspaper and magazine, she is still that young and beautiful Loletta Chu!